Shame is a cruel instrument of the devil used to keep us suffering in slience. How do we break free?
God cares about our inner hurts, and He shows it in mighty ways! If you've ever been sexually violated or know someone who has been, you're not alone.
Grief comes in waves, but they will not overtake you...A tribute to those who have survived depression and PTSD.
Why do good things happen to bad people? If God is just, why do bad people get good things that they don't deserve?
If God is good, why is there so much suffering? Why does He allow bad things to happen to good people?
What lies do we hear in our heads? "I'm ugly, I'm not enough, I'm alone"...How can we silence these lies?
What happens when you offer your heart to the Lord?
I'm over it!...You ever gotten to the point where you’ve just had it? Where is God when we're struggling?

About This Blog

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  In this age of crises all around---from pandemics to riots to natural disasters---it's easy to get overwhelmed by negativity. Join me in my quest for an uncircumstantial joy and liberation by sharing reflections, humor, poetry, practical strategies, and validation.  Let's find that we are not alone, encourage one another to take heart, and be set free from fears and worries! The heart of this blog is to lift our eyes off of the darkness to place our focus on the Lord---thus finding hope & freedom in the midst of crisis.

Don’t miss finding more Hope & Freedom!

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