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Okay, it’s that time again when I catch myself dwelling on the negatives a bit more than is helpful—if it’s ever helpful, that is!  😅

Here are some things that bring me joy:

A cool breeze

Twittering birds (um, the real ones—not the kind on the internet)

🎶 An inspiring orchestral melody

Sharing an inside joke with someone


Salty potato chips 😋

💐🌷 Colorful flowers

Rainbows 🌈

Help me out…what are some things—big OR small that bring you a taste of happiness?  Don’t discount the small stuff: they make a load of difference, too!  You will find what you look for when you put your mind to it. 

Hubs & I sometimes play a game called “Eye Found It.”  In the game, you have a bunch of cards with scenes on them, and these scenes are chock-full of all sorts of things—cats, dogs, trees, shovels, boats, numbers, letters…you name it, it might be there in the picture.  Each person has a spread of 5 scenes to look at. 

From a different deck, you flip the cards over to reveal the item that you are to look for.  For example, if the card shows a ladder, you each race to find a ladder on the cards you have.  With sooo much to look at, you can easily get all crazy-eyed—over-stimulated and overwhelmed with what’s before you.  Still, it’s good fun!  You’d be surprised what you can spot when you’re really looking hard for it!

It seems the same with life and our minds.  For me, if I am looking for something to complain about, it’s everywhere around me.  Okay, if I’m being completely honest, I don’t have to look for negative things; they just seem to stare me in the face! (like the news does even when I don’t seek it out!)

But, at the same time, if we look for the good around us, we will find that, too.  So…what’s the point in looking for the negatives when it doesn’t help us at all to dwell on them?  Especially when we have no control over a lot of it? 

We have a choice about what we focus on, so we might as well look for and keep our focus on what’s good, on what’s working, on what’s encouraging and motivating, right?  I have to learn to dwell on what gives me the strength and courage to keep on keeping on and fighting the good fight!

What are you focusing on in the scenes of your life? Train your eyes to find the good!

Find the crown treasures in these pictures!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ~Philippians 4:8

Love ya’ll!

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2 Responses

  1. I find checking in with the Holy Spirit helps me a lot. Often He will show me the God’s perspectives… which automatically replaces the “negatives” which can become hard to remove with my own human effort to try to “psycho” myself to do the self talk which the psychologist uses like the CBT technique etc. Ultimately with the Holy Spirit’s revelations it is much easier and feels so light after that. No wonder our Lord says His yoke is light. 😊

    • I agree! There’s nothing quite like the power of listening for God’s voice of truth. I’m thankful He gave us the Holy Spirit to guide and counsel us!

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  In this age of crises all around---from pandemics to riots to natural disasters---it's easy to get overwhelmed by negativity. Join me in my quest for an uncircumstantial joy and liberation by sharing reflections, humor, poetry, practical strategies, and validation.  Let's find that we are not alone, encourage one another to take heart, and be set free from fears and worries! The heart of this blog is to lift our eyes off of the darkness to place our focus on the Lord---thus finding hope & freedom in the midst of crisis.

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