Heart Offering
I come with fear and trembling as I offer my heart to the Lord. Feeling so small, I cup my tattered heart with both hands. It’s dirty and beat up–worn and weary from life in this world, mangled from the grit of pain ground in by bitterness.
Oh how many times have I tried on my own to scrub the grit away! Yet the grains of dirt continue cruelly to rub my heart raw in wounds repeatedly opened!
Shame keeps my eyes down, afraid to look up as I gingerly, tremblingly, offer it to the Lord, so embarrassed am I at my heart’s condition–some of it a result of wounds self-inflicted, some resulting from others. I expect the Lord to look at it with disdain and say “What’s this piece of *%#@ you’re trying to give me!?” (excuse my symbols!) : words I’ve felt from many before.
Instead, His eyes steady mine as He lifts my face up, drawing my faltering eyes toward His, both blurry with tears. Then, the Lord’s hands cover mine, completely enveloping my hands and the heart they hold.
The Lord doesn’t even inspect it, already knowing its condition…He just looks at me with tenderness.
For what seems like an eternity, He holds my gaze as His hands enfold mine, treasuring what I hold inside.
Finally, when His hands open up, there is my heart–still scarred, but now whole, cleansed, forgiven, and free.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts…” ~Psalm 139:23 NASB
The song below is a great conduit for offering your heart to the Lord and hearing what He has to say.
Note: This song was originaly written by Chris Tomlin and David Crowder.
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