Jesus is Coming! (Look busy)

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*Aaaah* SPRING!
How I do enjoy the sound of the singing birds, the cool breeze, and those brightly colored flowers just budding from their green stems! The cold weather has gone, and the warm sun invites us outside again.
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. ~Song of Songs 3:11-13
I used to think that God was some sort of slave-driver that demanded we perform to prove our existence worthwhile. I struggle even now with thinking that it’s too good to be true for me to be happy, to be relaxed.
Somehow, I believed lies that say that I am not within God’s will unless I’m having a hard time, unless I’m striving and suffering. But as I get to know God more, I realize that this striving, rat-race, performance-driven, busyness-is-good mentality is a grievously misled social construct, not God’s heart.

Somehow, people now labor under this idea that we have to constantly be busy and in motion, always rushing from activity to activity, leaving no time for breath. There’s an illusion that staying busy is being productive. As exhausted as this makes us, whenever someone asks us “How are you?” the answer comes—even proudly: “Busy.”

This faulty conclusion about what God wants from us is exemplified by a bumper sticker I once saw: “Jesus is coming! (Look busy!)” I don’t think Jesus wants us to look busy!
In fact, God is a promoter of balance, of health—of physical, social, mental, and emotional health. He encourages us to stop and smell the roses. Otherwise, why did He give them a scent? Why would God bother to create things so beautiful if He didn’t want us to stop and enjoy the wondrous ocean or the majestic mountains? Why would He give birds the ability to sing if He didn’t want us to spend time listening, to admire His creations and marvel at their loveliness?
Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ~Matthew 11:28-30

A yoke is a wooden crosspiece that is placed on the necks of two animals and attached to something they are to pull. We are on one end of the yoke, and God is at the other. Especially when the yoke feels heavy, God comes alongside of us and—as He lifts His end—His big, broad, strong and powerful shoulders lift the yoke clear off of our shoulders, rendering us free to just come along with Him for the ride. When we do what God calls us to and we partner with Him, He carries the bulk of the weight, and we can find relief in His help—even enjoy the experience.
God calls us to do things that are meaningful to us, that He designed us for, so that we will find fulfillment in this life He’s given us. When we are doing work that we enjoy, it doesn’t feel like a burden; it feels like delight, and the quality of our work is bolstered greatly. When we soak in Him, and let Him fill us up, the overflow is what we give and is the best that we can offer to the world.
What weight are you carrying, and was it meant for you? Are you partnering with the Lord?
Not only does God want us to enjoy our work, He wants us to be happy, to eat and drink and enjoy what we have. To be a follower of God doesn’t mean we have to deny ourselves of every joy out there, to be so driven that we can’t ever relax. After all, is He not the God that placed a weekly rest day, Sabbath, on His list of commandments—not suggestions but commandments. In His wisdom, God knew we would need rest to rejuvenate us, so we could keep going. We don’t just want rest, we absolutely need it. It is essential for our well-being.

In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon—a man with utmost wisdom and wealth struggled with the meaning of life. He had already tried all the earthly pursuits—seeking knowledge, amassing riches, completing great projects, but none of them gave him satisfaction. In his words, he said: “Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.”
Finally, in chapter 3, verses 12 and 13, King Solomon’s conclusion was simple: “I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God.”
Doing good, enjoying food, and being happy are gifts from God !! It’s okay to relax and enjoy life. In fact, God not only accepts this but encourages it! It’s alright to choose work that you enjoy. You don’t have to be suffering and struggling in order to be within the will of God!! That is not what He wants for us!

So go ahead, be counter-culture and allow yourself to enjoy life a little, slow down and take in the scents of spring, let your eyes feast on the colorful blooms, and enjoy your favorite food, play a game, sing some karaoke, play with your family, really connect with your friends, dance your socks off, and play your guitar. Put your alarm clock, electronics, and to-do lists aside! Allow your mind and body to slow down and do something just for the sheer enjoyment of it. After all, doing so will give your soul much needed refilling and fulfill one of God’s greatest purposes for us: to enjoy the lives that He gave us, to experience joy with Him!
I think if Jesus were to create a bumper sticker, it might say:
Jesus is here: Rest with me.
2 Responses
I loved this ! I saw that bumper sticker before – cracked me up at first, but yes….I like your bumper creation better. you should make one ! I think you could sell a lot. Glad He wants us to enjoy – I sure will at dim sum !!! 🙂 I wasn’t too sure about the emojis so I didn’t click on any. thanks for taking the time to write these amazing blogs….you should compile it to a devos book or some sort of compiled lessons. 🙂
Hi Sista!! Don’t people come up with the funniest things?? (Haha, yeah, I feel you on the emojis, too. Too bad there isn’t a simple heart instead of that face with the tongue hanging out! These expressions are much wackier than I’d prefer, but I haven’t been able to find another set that works well…😏) Thank you for your even better written response, though! It’s great to hear from you. I’m thankful for your encouragement and God’s inspiration. Dim sum, here we come!! 😄