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There is something that never fails to lift my spirits…
Music incorporates many things that people have found to be healthful and cheering: singing, dancing, rhythm. My father told me once about an article saying that singing at least once a day can give a person longer life. It certainly does uplift the soul!
Music has the power to change a mood, set an atmosphere, to get your heart pumping, and to soothe your nerves—-to stir us up or calm us down. It can make you drive faster, feel romantic, instigate road rage (!), or even lull you to sleep. *aaah*… the power of music!Â
Even when played purely by instruments, music is mighty: it makes an otherwise silent, dull movie scene something dramatic, pushing us to the edge of our seats. In a different scene, music can draw out feelings of love or sadness, making us ache for the hero, crying as if we were him. Can you imagine what it would be like to watch a movie that’s completely void of music?

Put to lyrics, songs are expressive of everything the heart, mind, and soul can conjure up: joy, excitement, rage, fear, pain, righteousness. A tune can be all at once comforting yet sad (like in “I’ll Stand by You” by Last of the Independents), upbeat yet indignant (“I Am Not My Hair” by India Arie), sassy or docile. It can make us feel loved or lonely and has potential to make our hearts soar or dash our hopes to the depths.
Music can be an anthem, a ballad, a march, or a dance. It bridges the chasm between cultures: a universal language that touches the hearts of all who hear it. Music takes us to different worlds, different realms.
Yet, the power of music is even greater than that! When set to God’s truths, music is taken to its utmost power. When we worship, when we sing, dance, declare His goodness and truth through praise songs, we partner with the angels in the heavenly realms, ushering in the Lord’s presence.
Lyrics prayed from the heart have an intensified power; it has a unique ability to change the heart, to soften it, to strengthen and encourage it. To heal and soothe us, to cleanse and purify. Worship can shift the spiritual atmosphere. The power of prayer grows even stronger during worship.

What’s more, worship has the power to put things in perspective. It shifts our focus from our problems to God, our problem solver. It reminds us of truths and declares our faith even when it’s waning. It wards away fear and renews our commitment to the Lord. Worship places God back onto the throne of our hearts and reminds us gently that we are not in control. In doing so, it releases us, frees us when we realize and acknowledge that we have no control, but He does: He who loves us; He who is good; He who is mighty and righteous; He who will have the last word at the end of time.
When we come before the Lord in worship and place our hearts, our cares and worries before Him; when we lay it all down, we are freed. Worship can do that for us. Singing truths from our spirits helps to bridge that gap between the mind and the heart, so we can deeply receive into our souls what our minds know to be true: He loves us. He is for us. He has not forsaken us.
We will always find God when we worship.
God does not call us to worship just because He wants to be praised and lauded. It might be more for us than for Him, really. In worship, we can sing our faith back to life, pour out our hearts to Him, be reminded of our value in Him, find comfort, encouragement, and strength. It also helps us realize once again that God is God, and we are not—-thus freeing us from all the burdens we thought we had to bear. Worship brings us to lay everything down at His feet, and in doing so—we find the utmost freedom.
Click below for a library of music that will help to usher in this freedom. Let the music wash over you as you soak in the lyrics!
Scroll down for a variety of playlists.
Just click on the “Play” triangle to start the music video!
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