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This probably doesn’t come as a surprise to ya’ll by now, but I like words.  Words are fun.  Words said with accents are fun.  They’re amusing, entertaining, funny, and whimsical.  😄

Take some of these words, for example…

A man once set out to cook,

Discombobulated and having diddly-squat,

He put gobbledygook in his pot

Dagnabbit,” he said

With a painful pang:

“I don’t want this to be hammajang!”

Hearing his shenanigans,

His neighbor brought a rutabaga,

The recipe was super vague, yeah?

After that,

Family members came on over,

Even the children playing Red Rover,

Each contributed a dollop of this

And even more—a splash of that,

Then Mr. Chef took off his hat,

With a poof and a taste,

When they scoped the scene,

They all declared it was peachy-keen !

Everyone agreed it was not only scrumptious,

It was more than that:


Go ahead, try saying those words!  You know you want to!  It’s good fun!

What are some of your favorite words to say?

While words roll off the tongue so easily, don’t underestimate them! Words pack POWER.  Some are not to be spoken lightly or even in certain tones (as my hubs has reminded me so often) ! 

Even emphasis matters!  Listen to these varied emphases:
WHAT are you doing?

What ARE you doing?

What are YOU doing?

What are you DOING?

Isn’t it intriguing how each of these has a totally different meaning based on the emphasis?

And then there’s tone, contractions, and duration:

Whatcha doin’ ?

Words—how and when they are spoken—have impact; words change the atmosphere.  They may not break bones, but they sure can break a spirit!  The tiniest nuance, a change in pitch or loudness, a specific word choice can change the whole meaning of a message.

God’s spoken word brings LIFE.  Unloving words bring death—death to the spirit, death to the heart.  And, sadly, humans tend to dwell on the negatives, so hurtful words oftentimes penetrate more deeply than helpful ones.  Why else can it take TEN—count ’em: TEN—affirmations to counteract the effects of a single negative comment?

But there’s hope in that!  Whenever you find that you’ve said something hurtful, there is hope to undo the damage: go back and speak the truths to that person, the good, the positive to replace the harmful statements, the false ones.

What will you do with your words?  Will you use the power in your words to build up or to break down?  To nourish or deplete?  To heal or rip apart?  To drag down or refresh?

I’m talking to myself here…I need a LOT of help with this!  It’s one of my greatest struggles. 

No wonder there are so many proverbs about speech!  The tongue may be but a small organ in our head; yet, it’s so hard to control and holds the power of life and death.

Bless others with your words!  It doesn’t cost a cent; yet, it can make a world of difference!

Speak a life-giving word to someone today.  Compliment them—a friend, an enemy, a stranger, your spouse, your parent, your child.  Affirm their value.  Tell them what you love about their character.  Share what gifts you see in them. 

But first, receive these loving words from God for yourself :

(you’ll find the Scripture references written here)

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. ~derived from Psalm 139:14

It is My desire to lavish My love on you. ~From 1 John 3:1

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. ~From Jeremiah 29:11

I love you with an everlasting love. ~From Jeremiah 31:3

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. ~From Psalm 139:17-18

I am with you; I will save you.  I take great delight in you and rejoice over you with singing. ~From Zephaniah 3:17

I rejoice in doing good to you, and I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. ~From Jeremiah 32:41

Call to me, and I will answer you and show you great and marvelous things. ~From Jeremiah 33:3

I want to encourage your heart and strengthen you. ~From 2 Thessalonians 2:17

I want to comfort you in all your troubles.  ~From 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When you are brokenhearted and your spirit is crushed, I am close to you. ~From Psalm 34:18

As a shepherd carries a lamb, I carry you close to my heart. ~Isaiah 40:11

One day, I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain. I will take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. ~From Revelation 21:3-4

Let God’s words bring you life, and you will find His loving words to speak to others.

To hear more life-giving words, please watch the video below!

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  In this age of crises all around---from pandemics to riots to natural disasters---it's easy to get overwhelmed by negativity. Join me in my quest for an uncircumstantial joy and liberation by sharing reflections, humor, poetry, practical strategies, and validation.  Let's find that we are not alone, encourage one another to take heart, and be set free from fears and worries! The heart of this blog is to lift our eyes off of the darkness to place our focus on the Lord---thus finding hope & freedom in the midst of crisis.

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